When government overreaches into our lives, we all lose

By Sen. Stacey Guerin

AUGUSTA – Well, we certainly dodged a speeding train on this one. LD 1735, a Democratic bill that sought to strip parents’ rights away at Maine’s border and promote child trafficking, was unanimously defeated in the Judiciary Committee on Thursday. Republicans warned the public of what was easily one of the most dangerous bill we’ve ever seen in the Legislature.

Democrats are relentless, however, and the bills we’ve seen so far and the ones to come should give every Mainer cause to worry.

Hello, this is Senator Stacey Guerin of Piscataquis and Penobscot and counties. I’m joining you today as a beautiful snow falls outside. I represent rural counties with seasonal and tourism businesses that serve snowmobilers, skiers and others who come to Maine to enjoy our majestic outdoors. I’m so glad to see the snowfall that these businesses need.

Stacey Guerin – Penobscot

But not all is beautiful inside the State House or even Augusta, for that matter. In addition to their attempt to promote child trafficking and strip parents of their rights, we’ve seen the progressive left attack our rights or push their agenda in all different areas of our lives.

From mandating that you buy electric vehicles to a bill we saw earlier this week seeking to ban any new natural gas hookups and limit your energy choices, Mainers are constantly bombarded with efforts to control the way we live. And in some cases, Democrats are making you pay for their progressive ideas.

Look at the billions they’re taking from you through your electric bill and sending to solar developers.

We dealt with some of these radical bills last year; but more are coming this year. It seems that attempts to take away the rights of victims by decriminalizing crimes in Maine has become a favorite pastime of progressives. In fact, Maine’s Speaker of the House tried to get a bill through last year that removed all the rights of homeowners, renters and businesses.

That’s right. LD 1949 would have prohibited the prosecution of anyone who broke into your home, camp, rental property or any other dwelling you own. It would have also put you on the hook for any damage, which threatens your insurance coverage.

Speaking of insurance coverage, another idea I fought against was the attempt by Efficiency Maine to concentrate much of their rebate program for heat pumps to those who disconnect or remove their old gas or oil boiler. What they forgot to tell you is that with no central heat source to protect your pipes, you lose your insurance coverage.

If you’re a business that sells through negotiated pricing and sales contracts, another attempt to interfere in your business is LD 1815. It wants to punish businesses that have worked hard to gain a market advantage by opening them up to lawsuits if someone thinks a contract was negotiated with too much dominance on one side.

Another slick idea from the House Speaker was LD 1138, which would give identification cards and drivers’ licenses to noncitizens. It’s not a new idea by any stretch – progressive states have been doing it for years. However, the risks that come with it are disturbing and threaten to curb the rights of every American.

Colorado sent 30,000 noncitizens who had driver’s licenses a postcard encouraging them to register to vote in 2022. Two years before that, North Carolina prosecuted 19 noncitizens for voting illegally.

For years, Republicans have stood for election reform by making voting easier and cheating harder. Every vote cast by someone who isn’t eligible dilutes the rights of those who are. The Speaker’s bill would have raised that risk.

In closing, Senate Republicans stand ready defend the rights of Mainers and protect the freedoms we all enjoy as Americans. When government seeks to intervene in our lives and chip away at the rights and freedoms we enjoy, we should all be concerned.

Again, this is Senator Stacey Guerin of Piscataquis and Penobscot counties. I hope you have a great weekend.

Sen. Stacey Guerin represents District 4, which includes all of Piscataquis County and 11 communities in Penobscot County. She is the Senate Republican Lead for the Legislature’s Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement and Business Committee.

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